ikanos en el “2nd preparatoy webinar of the V World Forum of Local Economic Development”

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Por ikanos taldea
Sa acaba de publicar el informe sobre la competencia digital para la empleabilidad elaborado en el taller JRC/Ikanos.
El presente informe tiene por objeto aclarar la cuestión de qué opciones políticas podrían, de manera práctica y eficaz, alentar y apoyar a los intermediarios del mercado laboral en sus acciones de cualificación digital, con el uso de DigComp.
El informe ha sido elaborado en colaboración entre el JRC de la Comisión Europea, la iniciativa ikanos del Gobierno Vasco y un grupo de expertos en colaboración con la Dirección General de Empleo, Asuntos Sociales e Inclusión.
Por ikanos taldea
The Centre for European Policy Studies, in partnership with Grow with Google, has just released the study “Index of Readiness for Digital Lifelong Learning – Changing How Europeans Upgrade Their Skills”
CEPS is an independent policy research institute in Brussels. Its mission is to produce sound policy research leading to constructive solutions to the challenges facing Europe. The Index of Readiness for Digital Lifelong Learning (IRDLL) is the result of a collaboration between CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies) and Grow with Google.
This project was financed by Google, which provided initial app data and assistance in presenting the index results in an attractive and intelligible way. The research was conducted ndependently by CEPS researchers and national experts selected by CEPS. CEPS bears full responsibility for the project methodology and results.
The IRDLL study states that It has become evident that digital learning encompasses how digital technologies are integrated in teaching and learning approaches, within an organisational and institutional context, considering also users’ ability to make the best use of such technologies and embrace change.
Digital learning loosens the boundaries of formal and informal learning and creates a continuum of learning opportunities. It changes where and when one learns – eliminating or at least reducing barriers to accessibility by creating virtual spaces and the possibility to learn at any time. It increases the potential actors from and with whom one learns.
Digital learning changes knowledge production, assimilation, and ultimately how one learns. Through enhanced connections, learners can tackle any topic in a much more multidisciplinary manner, more easily synthesising one discipline’s approach to that of another. Connections facilitate continuous learning in interaction with peers and stimulate on demand and micro-learning of specific skills, competences and topics that learners choose more easily and more independently.
Lastly, digital learning changes how to show what one learns. Formal and non-formal institutions can issue digital certificates to validate competences that result from education and training, either online or in-person. Being digitally available, these certificates are more easily shareable and verifiable.
Moreover, digital technologies offer a new means of validation for informal learning. If approached correctly, digital learning can enhance learning in three main dimensions, which can be summarised by explaining how digitalisation can deliver more, cheaper, and better learning.
link to the document:
Por ikanos taldea
Ana Vitórica, directora de la iniciativa IKANOS, y Nuria Lopez de @RpkCoop hablan acerca de cómo cambia la gestión de Recursos Humanos con la Transformación Digital, en la jornada anual Araba 4.0 “La industria 4.0 a tu alcance” Araba 4.0 celebrada el 15 de noviembre de 2019 en el Palacio de Congresos Europa.
Al hablar de Industria 4.0 se suele poner el foco en las distintas tecnologías, pero el talento es un factor igual de importante. Formar a trabajadores capaces de crear, implantar y gestionar todo tipo de nuevas tecnologías es vital para el territorio y las empresas.
Por ikanos taldea
ALL DIGITAL and the Ikanos Project, promoted by the Basque Government, join forces to promote the adoption and support the development of DigComp, the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens. During the EU Joint Research Center / Ikanos workshop on DigComp that took place this summer in Bilbao, it was decided to establish a European DigComp Community of Practice (CoP), which will pursue the above objectives. ALL DIGITAL will provide the online support to members of the DigComp CoP to collaborate and interact.
We are inviting all stakeholders in the field of digital inclusion to join the DigComp CoP. By joining you will have the opportunity to raise the issues that concern you, voice your opinion in discussions, participate in working groups, exchange material and experience, access good practices, learn from peers, share resources and be informed about the latest developments concerning DigComp.
If you would like to be part of this vibrant community, please send an email to (write DigComp CoP on the subject line).
The DigComp CoP is open to everyone, individuals and organizations alike. Feel free to invite further members by spreading the word.
We look forward to meeting you online!