Actualidad de las competencias digitales

En Euskadi y en el mundo

International Girls in ICT Day 2018

European Commission supports a digital sector with more women On the occasion of the International Girls in ICT day 2018, Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, together with 76 MEPs, has sent a letter to ministers of all 28 Member States of the European Union urging them to play a more active role in…

EU budget for the future

EU budget for the future The European Commission is making ambitious yet realistic proposals for a modern EU budget. It is time for an EU budget that reflects rapid developments in innovation, the economy, the environment and geopolitics, amongst others. The Commission is putting forward modern, clearer and simpler EU financial…

Kultura Digitalaren Astea

Kultura Digitalaren Astea, Arrasaten Arrasaten, Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiaren Kultura Digitalaren Astea apirilaren 25 arte. Biteri plazan programatzen ikasteko saioak doan (8-16 urte). Familia, guraso, profesional eta gazteentzako tailer eta hitzaldiak. Beste lekuetan