Actualidad de las competencias digitales

En Euskadi y en el mundo


  Inplantalariak: El Gobierno Vasco pone en marcha un servicio de asesoramiento e implantación inmediata de teletrabajo en autónomos y pymes Ante la situación que está generando el COVID-19 y las medidas adoptadas por las autoridades competentes, el Departamento de Desarrollo Económico e Infraestructuras del Gobierno Vasco, a través de la…

Etiquette Tips for Teleworking

Etiquette Tips for Teleworking Most companies have, out of consideration for their employees and customers, opted for teleworking arrangements where it is possible to do so. Overnight, the concept of working from home has become a reality that we were not all totally convinced about or ready for. Until recently we…

European Commission launches new digital competence guidelines

European Commission launches new digital competence guidelines Today, the Commission launches new guidelines to help educators, employers and recruiters ensure Europeans are equipped with the digital skills to thrive in the post-coronavirus world of work. The DigComp at Work report and its Implementation Guidelines include practical steps, key actions, tips and online resources to make…