European Digital Competency Framework DIGCOMP

The DigComp Framework, or European Digital Competence Framework, is an initiative developed by the European Commission to define the digital competencies that citizens must possess to be effective in the modern digital society. This framework establishes a reference of digital skills and knowledge that are important for participation, learning, work and social inclusion in an increasingly digital environment.

The DigComp Framework is an essential tool for the modernization of education and the workforce, ensuring that all people, citizens and professionals, are active participants in the use of technology and critical in the digital world.


Purpose of the DigComp Framework

  • Establish a common definition: DigComp provides a clear and detailed definition of what it means to be competent in the use of digital technologies.
  • Education and training: Serves as a basis for curriculum development in education and vocational training, ensuring that trainees acquire the necessary digital skills.
  • Public policy: Helping policy makers to develop initiatives and policies that promote digital competence among the population.
  • Assessment and certification: Provides a framework for assessing and certifying digital competencies, helping individuals demonstrate their skills in the labor market.
  • Social inclusion and employability: Facilitates social inclusion and improves people’s employability by ensuring that they have the digital skills necessary to participate fully in society and the labor market.

DigComp Framework Structure

The framework is divided into five main competency areas, which are developed into 21 specific competencies and 8 competency levels:

  • Information and information literacy: Skills to search, find, manage and evaluate digital information.
  • Communication and collaboration: Competencies to communicate, collaborate and interact effectively through digital tools.
  • Digital content creation: Skills to create and edit digital content effectively and safely.
  • Security: Ability to protect devices, personal content and data in digital environments.
  • Problem solving: Skills to identify digital needs and develop effective solutions, including the ability to manage and leverage digital technologies creatively and critically.

Advantages of the DigComp Framework

  • Universality and adaptability: It provides a standard that can be adapted and used in different educational and work contexts at an international level.
  • Continuous improvement of skills: Promotes the continuous updating and improvement of digital competencies, crucial for professional and personal development.
  • Digital inclusion: Promotes digital inclusion by ensuring that all sectors of the population have access to education and training in digital skills.
  • Integral vision: It offers a comprehensive view of the competencies needed in the digital era, which is essential for the development of effective educational and labor policies.


Documentation on DigComp framework

  • The original version of Digcomp 2.2 in euskera, spanish and english
  • The original version of Digcomp 2.1, in english.
  • An “ikanos” edition of the first and second version of the DIGCOMP framework in spanish.
  • DigComp in action‘ user guide: examples of how the DigComp framework is being used across Europe to support the development and understanding of digital skills. The guide contains over 30 examples to inspire and enable the use of DigComp.
  • DigComp at Work  This report and the accompanying Implementation Guide support stakeholders in implementing the European Digital Competency Framework (DigComp) in employability and employment contexts through the analysis and sharing of 9 existing inspiring practices and related resources of DigComp implementations. The list of examples in the annex is intended to illustrate the wide range of DigComp implementation practices.


Videografia sobre DigComp: