Can the new advanced digital skills be certified? Why not?
Ikanos discusses its BAIT certification proposal with international experts on 10 and 11 October in Bologna
The new digital solutions that are constantly emerging provide opportunities to improve competitiveness, transform economic activity and impact the type of tasks that people have to perform and the way in which they perform them.
At the same time, the rapidity with which the world of work develops forces the need for training, through lifelong learning, and the incorporation of learning modalities that are not always formal.
Therefore, people need to generate evidence of their capabilities after completing their learning processes in non-formal and informal formats, through prestigious endorsements that are useful to ensure their employability, achieve better opportunities or join higher quality jobs.
A very common and reputable way, which is not unique, is the obtaining of the consequent certification. This is how we understand it at Ikanos, which incorporates the BAIT certification, for endorsement and as an incentive for action.
This certification must also be constantly updated, incorporating advanced digital skills and boosting those that are connected to the professional digital profiles that Basque companies demand.
In order to debate and contribute the experience of the Basque Country, ikanos has been invited to participate in the discussion panel called “New areas of digital competence certification: new ICDL structure and Ikanos certification system” at the ALL Digital Summit 2019 held on 10 and 11 October in Bologna. Here is our presentation
We thank ALL DIGITAL for the invitation, ICDL for sharing their knowledge and the participants in the session for their suggestive reflections to improve our BAIT certification model.