We provide you with a support service with an expert team and a lot of good practices from our local and international experiences Lab.
Thousands of people have already used Ikanos. Come on and activate all your capabilities with us. We will help you to do it better and easier.
Many companies and organizations have already used Ikanos in the Basque Country and around the world. If you have responsibilities in the digital transformation of an organization, contact the ikanos team to know the people’ digital profile.
ikanos Initiative
Ikanos is an initiative of the Basque Government to make known the digital competences, to achieve that they are considered and to facilitate their advance and accreditation to the whole society.
Ikanos model draws an improvement process with a personalized roadmap to take steps on objectives attached to reality and supported by very practical tools, based on the conceptual DigComp framework of the European Commission.
DigComp 2.2 available in Basque languageThe Basque version of DigComp 2.2 is now available for consultation and download. The Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment of the Basque Government, within the Ikanos initiative, has carried out the publication of the European Digital Competences Framework in its version 2.2 in Basque. |
The digital skills blog. News, interviews, training, business opportunities, events and much more.
Caso práctico: Grupo La Información
Diagnóstico del desempeño digital en una organización: el caso del Grupo La Información El Compromiso de la organización y disponer de un modelo de resultado específicos, claves del impulso al…
Autoevaluación: un método eficaz
La autoevaluación: un método eficaz de diagnóstico Una metodología precisa y fiable para la adquisición de competencias digitales En su papel de medición del progreso del aprendizaje en muchos procesos…
Index of Readiness for Digital Lifelong Learning
Index of Readiness for Digital Lifelong Learning The Centre for European Policy Studies, in partnership with Grow with Google, has just released the study “Index of Readiness for Digital Lifelong…
People must be prepared, constantly updated and open to learn to achieve full digital performance in the professional environment, family life, leisure activities and in contributing to social development. The improvement of people’s digital skills is key for an active digital participation, which allows them to increase their employability and their approach to learning. |
Take advantage of the potential of digital transformation for rapid economic and social revival has become a priority. Organizations’ digital transformation is a transversal and intersectorial element that reaches into all economic sectors and areas of life to modify them in a dramatic and recurrent way. |
ikanos develops collaborative projects with very diverse entities and with different objectives.
The practical development of the ikanos method in diverse environments (public administrations, professionals, business, training ….) is a constant source of information that feeds back and improves ikanos processes and practical tools.
Inspirarse en otros, acercarse a su realidad
Inspirarse en otros, acercarse a su realidad Compartimos los contenidos de Q-epea, que propició una jornada de divulgación de ikanos y de buenas prácticas de su uso, gracias a los…
El test ikanos como instrumento de investigación académica en la Universidad
Ikanos colabora con investigadores en universidades de Europa y América facilitando el acceso a sus instrumentos para la mejora de competencias digitales a grupos organizados de estudiantes en el aula, a doctorandos y equipos de profesores que participan en proyectos de análisis académico.
Raise awareness in society about the need to improve digital skills for employability and learning, in a disruptive environment of digital transformation.
Provide a proposal of strategy and action to the stakeholders, to address the processes of improving digital skills.
Ensure the continuous updating of the ikanos proposal, which should be an innovative reference among public policies on digital competence.